Searching in ShareBrowser

A main feature of ShareBrowser Client is the ability to search network volumes.


To view search parameters, click the parameters icon next to the searchbar.

This will show the available search options:

All file/volume names: This will search all file and volume names for the search terms.
Metadata: This will search the metadata collected by the indexer for the search terms, as well as any custom metadata fields.
Tags: This will search all tags for the search terms.
Comments: This will search all comments for the search terms.

These options can be toggled on and off by their corresponding checkboxes.

It is also possible to search only the current folder or certain volumes.

To change the volume, click the dropdown menu.


To search a specific folder, navigate to the folder and perform the search.

This will appear in the same dropdown.


Searching Multiple Fields

To search multiple fields in ShareBrowser, click the arrow next to Fields.


Here you can specify the field to search.with the following options:

Name: This will search all file and volume names for the search terms.
All harvested metadata: This will search the metadata collected by the indexer for the search terms.
All custom metadata: This will search all of your custom fields for the search terms.
Tags: This will search all tags for the search terms.
Comments: This will search all comments for the search terms.
(Select Metadata): Also in the list will be select Harvested metadata fields as well as each of your custom metadata fields to choose specifically.

The plus plus and minus minus buttons will add or subtract fields to specify the search.

Each of these fields additionally will narrow down with the following options:


This makes it possible to greatly narrow down a ShareBrowser search.

Viewing Results

After performing a search, a share option will appear that contains the URL which can be shared with a ShareBrowser Web user.

_images/SB615_SearchShareIcon.png _images/SB615_SearchShareURL.png

Below this will be search results sortable by Name, Date Modified, Volume, or Path.

To return from a search, or step backward through your searches, use the navigation arrows.


If the search contains a folder, double-clicking it will navigate a user into the folder for browsing. To return to search, use the back arrow.