ShareBrowser Tags, Comments and Custom Metadata

ShareBrowser gives you the ability to add tags, comments and other custom metadata to your files and volumes. This additional metadata will be searchable by all users in the ShareBrowser.

To add a tag, select the file(s), then type new tags, separating each tag with a comma. The tags will append to any previous tags. This will automatically save. To remove tags, click the ‘x’ icon on each tag.


Automatically Search for Tags

You can automatically search for a tag by clicking the tag once so that it’s underlined, then clicking again.


Multiselect Tags

You can multiselect tags by ctrl+clicking tags or Shift selecting.


Bulk Add Tags to Folders

To apply tags to all files in a folder and any subfolders, type the tag in the section Bulk tag folder/existing contents


This will apply the new tags to everything that ShareBrowser is aware of within the chosen directory (including the directories that it contains).

To add a comment, type into the Add Comment box, this will automatically save. If a comment is added to a file with an existing comment, through a multiselect process, a space will be added and the new comment will be added in the comments section.


ShareBrowser Tag Auto-Completion

ShareBrowser will auto-complete tags that it already sees in the database. These will appear in a dropdown menu when a user begins to type a tag.


To choose a tag simply arrow up or down to the tag and press Enter.

To remove a tag from the auto-complete list, simply remove the tag from all files that have that tag.

ShareBrowser AI/ML AutoTagging

To use the AI/ML Auto-Tagging feature of the ShareBrowser Web App, it must first be configured by the administrator, instructions can be found in our knowledgebase. Once this is configured, a user can simply choose the Analyze button on an asset.


This will optionally request a PIN, set by the administrator on setup, to allow processing in the cloud. Once the file is processed, the tags will be available in the tags section on the clip.


Timecode Based Comments

To add comments with timecode, scrub to the timecode in the video player and press ctrl+B on the keyboard. The timecode will then be noted in the comments section.


Custom Metadata Fields

ShareBrowser includes custom metadata fields that can be defined by the administrator. Instructions on configuring this can be found in Configuring Custom Metadata Fields. To add the custom metadata to a clip, click the edit button next to the custom metadata field name. Next, edit the fields to be added to the clip and click Save. These clips are now searchable by the custom metadata fields.
