ShareBrowser Interface

Left Pane


The left pane of ShareBrowser lets you choose between browsing volumes in a file tree format, or navigating bins that have been created. To hide the pane, simply choose bins or volumes. For more on this, see Mounting a Volume and Using Bins.

Main Window


The main window is where you will navigate files, see thumbnail previews, and search results. For more on this see Browsing a Share and Working with Files.

Right Pane


The right pane will show a video or audio preview of the selected file. This is also where you will add and view metadata. For more on metadata, see ShareBrowser Tags, Comments and Custom Metadata and Harvested File Metadata.

User Preferences


Clicking your username will allow access to preferences, advance preferences, and profile settings.



The envelope in the corner is for submitting any feature requests directly to the SNS product team. For support requests, contact SNS Support