NAS Permission Levels in ShareBrowser Client

Project Locking Mode

When using an EVO volume in Project Locking Mode with ShareBrowser (see Adding a new NAS share in the EVO Guide), there are different options available than with an Unlocked volume.

A lock column will appear in ShareBrowser that will show icons for write-locked files.

_images/SB6_gallery_locks.png _images/SB6_list_locks.png

This will also make new options available in the right-click context menu.

These options include:

Write-Lock: A Write-Lock gives write permissions to this user and read-only permissions to everyone else.


Lock and Open: Lock and Open will put a Write-Lock on a file and open it.


Clear My Locks: Clear My Locks will remove all locks that this user holds on the local machine.


Release Lock: This appears when right-clicking a locked file by your user. Release Lock will only remove the lock on the chosen file.


Request Unlock: If a file is locked, you can request an unlock. ShareBrowser will display a prompt to that user informing them of the request, which they can accept or deny.

_images/SB6_RequestUnlock.png _images/SB6_RequestUnlockAlert.png

Clear Locks on Exit

When exiting ShareBrowser Client while Project files are locked, a dialogue will appear about locked files.


The options will be given to clear locks or keep them, including a checkbox to “Always choose this option.”

This can be toggled at any point from within ShareBrowser Client Preferences.


Clear Locks on Copy/Move

When you copy/paste, or move files around Project Locking shares that would normally be locked files, you will have the option to leave them locked or release the locks after the copy/move.

This can be configured in the preferences as well.


Locked Mode

If a NAS Volume has been put into Locked mode (see Adding a new NAS share in the EVO Guide), then a file can only be written to by its owner (by default).

These permissions will be respected by ShareBrowser but can only be changed in the EVO File Navigator, in the EVO UI (see the EVO File Navigator section in the EVO Guide).