Release Notes

Since 5.0.3

In ShareBrowser 6.0, we completely rebuilt ShareBrowser from the ground up. In addition to the brand new ShareBrowser experience, we additionally updated the following:


WAV files with XMP metadata not importing correctly to FCPX - [PMP-1773]
Export fails from Premiere Pro 14.3.0 - [PMP-2013]
Sometimes tags are retained when files are overwritten from Finder to ShareBrowser - [PMP-2051]
Google Drive Mount hanging ShareBrowser - [PMP-2093]
Some symbols do not get url encoded for tag search - [PMP-2105]
Inability to archive/restore 1000 files at once - [PMP-2106]
Database short disconnect/reconnect on client - [PMP-2110]
Volumes not showing as mounted in Adobe panel - [PMP-2173]


GUI design refresh - [PMP-476]
Build ShareBrowser macOS binaries as 64-bit executables - [PMP-619]
Store records for deleted or archived files - [PMP-821]
Remove clipboard option in Preferences - [PMP-1151]
Support for High DPI and Retina display resolutions on Windows and OS X - [PMP-1179]
Implement HTML5 web player in Client - [PMP-1206]
Ability to change field sizes on columns in list view - [PMP-1623]
Allow updates/inserts into ShareBrowser metadata via the public API - [PMP-1705]
Parse custom metadata via the ShareBrowser Public API - [PMP-1706]
Search by Volume in the web app - [PMP-1770]
Retain user preference for list view/thumbnail view - [PMP-1817]
Use new icon for ShareBrowser and ShareBrowser Admin - [PMP-1880]
“Show external shares” checkbox for non-proxied shares indexed by the desktop client - [PMP-1924]
Open a .prproj directly from the panel in Premiere - [PMP-1925]
Open a clip from ShareBrowser directly in the source window (Adobe Panel) - [PMP-1926]
Create uneditable custom metadata fields (editable by API) - [PMP-1939]
Retain client size when opening hybrid app - [PMP-1962]
Block editing of protected fields in ShareBrowser Admin - [PMP-1973]
Search for Custom Metadata from API - [PMP-1978]
Remove EVO from ShareBrowser Logo - [PMP-2001]
Specify port in ShareBrowser IP entry - [PMP-2079]
Change behavior of SDNA functionality for more unified workflow - [PMP-2082]
Return Proxies/Thumbnails by hostname when requested by hostname - [PMP-2083]
Installer link should be https - [PMP-2019]
Bin and Volume icons should be swapped and moved slightly further apart - [PMP-2116]
Integrate public version of WebView2 Runtime into the hybrid client for Windows - [PMP-2121]
Remove the legacy client from ShareBrowser install - [PMP-2135]
Update copyright to 2021 - [PMP-1934,PMP-2176]

New Features:

Distinct user profiles - [PMP-1385]
Remove ‘Save’ boxes from tags and comments fields (Mac/Windows) - [PMP-1386]
Integrate with the SDNA Fabric REST API for archive and restore - [PMP-1715]
Button to download proxy - [PMP-1789]
Button to create proxy - [PMP-1791]
Ross Video Streamline integration - [PMP-1807]
Navigate files/folders in the web app - [PMP-1852,PMP-1694]
Automatically index to remove index checkbox and MacOS indexer from ShareBrowser - [PMP-1857]
Show bin owner in bin list - [PMP-1860]
Create and populate bins via API - [PMP-1896]
User preference for whether to show archived files - [PMP-1933]
Make offline files opaque - [PMP-1940]
Support Apple Silicon & MacOS 11.0 (Big Sur) - [PMP-2025]
Download Edit proxy via API (Slingshot 1.4) - [PMP-2140]